Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another Year Older

Today is my 35th birthday and a new age group.
I never know if moving into a new age group is a good thing or not. Another year older is okay, I can handle that it does not bother me. It's the age group thing. I was doing pretty good in my old age group, top of the class. Now I am at the bottom again and will have to find my way through. We'll see how it goes.

The day itself was ho hum. No one remembered at school until someone asked why I had brought cupcakes to school. "Well, It's my birthday" I said, and it is a student in my last class of the day's 18th birthday too. So I brought cupcakes to celebrate. I was everyone's favorite teacher in that class today. They even sang to us. It was fun. The student who's birthday it was brought me an apple. It was sweet.

My favorite was this morning when my 6 year old daughter gave me the card she had made for me. It essentially read, in learning-how-to-spell-6-year-old-speak- Happy Birthday mom, For your birthday I give you love. Annika. I'll keep that one forever.

I have a twin brother who lives close and our families went to dinner at Red Robin to celebrate our birthday. It was really great. Even though we live close, it seems this year anyway that we haven't gotten together as much as we usually do. I'll make it a point to do dinner together WAY more often. I miss hanging out with him and his family. Our kids are about the same ages and they love to play and be together.

My husband, Paul, gave me a weekend getaway voucher for anywhere I want to go, whenever I want to go. I am excited for this one. I 'll need some suggestions and a bit of time to think it through before cashing it in. Although I am ready for the getaway right now.

I'll send a shout out to my mom and dad on my birthday, they are cruising the Nile in Egypt. Rough, I know. But thanks mom and dad for giving me life and raising me well. I appreciate all you have done and continue to do. Happy Birthday to you too. I know it was hard work for you!

And now may you also have a great year in your age group... the best one yet. I am looking forward to many new and exciting adventures and challenges that this year will bring (I'll talk about some of those later.)

Grace and Peace to you.


wendy said...

Happy Birthday, GF! What a sweet 6 year old you have! And you did get to spend your birthday with family, which is so nice. I can't wait to hear about the adventures and challenges!

Backofpack said...

Happy Birthday! We almost went to RR tonight, went to the Ram instead. We coulda sang to you!!

You are such a young thing, so many wonderful years ahead. And, yes, that Annika is a sweetie. She'll turn out every bit as wonderful as her Mommy! Lots of love from one friend to another. Michelle

Darrell said...

Happy Birthday, Jenny.

I think it is good to be on this end of the age group. You ought to be able to beat those 39 year olds and now you don't have to worry about all those 30 years olds.

A weekend away, anywhere is a great gift. I wonder where you'll go?

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I'll see ya this weekend.

Joe said...

Glad you had a happy birthday, Jenny!!! Hey, it is good to be on the low end of the AG. And, at 55, I'm thinking it would be good to be ANYWHERE in the 30s again!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving too!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great birthday trip Jenny. 35 is a great place to be.

I'm a twin too though we are identical. Unfortunately he lives in another state. But we remain incredibly close. Mostly because of all the shared experiences growing up.

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